Part of the beauty of perennials is the year-round color and ability to completely change your garden or bed with endless combinations and variations. Some may bloom for a few weeks and other perennials will last the whole season. This spring, plant perennials, with attention to those that will re-bloom in the mild climate and warm temperatures of the southeastern United States.
Six must-plant perennials this spring are:
Dianthus is a blooming perennial that you might imagine outside a quaint cottage or near a picket fence. The foliage is a bluish-green and resembles grass, while the flowers are plentiful and star-shaped. Dianthus flowers are usually fragrant and pink in the spring while turning white, lavender, and rose in the summer. Dianthus can be used as a spreading ground-cover or groomed to grow tall – sometimes up to three-feet! Dianthus likes partly-sunny grow conditions for spring and summer blooms.
Potato Vine.
Potato Vine is perfect for any garden or landscape, even if you don’t have a green-thumb. Potato vines grow in sunny and shady conditions, doing equally well in pots, beds, borders, and gardens. The foliage is colorful and vibrant, found in shades ranging from deep black and bronze to vibrant purple and magenta.
Mexican Petunia.
Another versatile perennial is the Mexican Petunia, which can grow to be three-to-five-fee in height. This plant grows quickly in the right conditions, which are sun or light shade and well-drained soil. Mexican Petunia has purple stems and pretty-blue or violet flowers that blossom from early summer well-into fall. Birds and butterflies are attracted to these perennials, too, which adds to this plant’s charm.
Lovely Lantana yields foliage that smells like citrus and clusters of bright red, orange, purple, or white flowers. Lantana is categorized as a shrub and is as easy to grow as a vine, often reaching up to six-feet in height. Lantana is often seen on the coast, as it is a salt-tolerant perennial. Lantana makes a fantastic hanging potted display, as the vines and branches tend to spill over the side. Know also that the clusters of flowers are not resigned to one hue, and it is common to find various colored blossoms in the same flower cluster!
Society Garlic.
Society Garlic is a hardy perennial for southern gardens, and the mild climate allows for it to grow year-round. It holds up to the Carolinian heat of summer, blooming for months during warm weather. Provide a sunny spot and sandy soil for your lantana to thrive, as it can be compromised in cooler temperatures. This perennial gets its name from the garlic-aroma that comes from it, and it is a member of the lily family. The blooms are typically violet, lavender, pink, and white.
Evolvulus is also called Blue Daze and is a popular choice for a perennial ground cover. This plant usually reaches around a foot-high, blooming in mid-summer, late-summer, and again in the fall. The foliage is silvery and blue and the plant does best in sandy soil with good drainage and consistent but not heavy watering.
Ready to plant some perennials this spring? Work with us at Terra Bella Garden Center in North Charleston to keep an ever-changing and blooming garden of easy-to-care for and versatile perennials.