Vibrant peonies in bloom is a beautiful sight. The blooms are huge and fragrant, exuding a sweet smell into the springtime air. There are some tricks to growing healthy and hardy peonies, not difficult, but key to success. Want to grow vibrant, fragrant peony blossoms? Here’s what you need to know: The Blooms Most people are drawn to peonies for their distinctive blooms and memorable fragrance. The blooms are colossal, usually up to ten-inches in diameter, and are found in…
Plant something that is both easy to grow and good for you – your own herb garden. Herbs thrive in varied conditions, from their own bed in a garden to a small sill inside your home. Dig in the dirt and plant some herbs that will bring a sense of achievement and numerous nutritional benefits. The top 5 herbs to plant in and around your garden are: Basil Plant basil and reap the rewards all year long; Make sure…
It can be rewarding to produce lush, hardy gardens, but frustrating when you detect an issue with pests. Moles are small rodents that can wreak havoc on your landscaping, yard, and gardens; they burrow and dig trenches or lawn ridges, pulling vegetation down into their tunnel as they go. Moles only grow to be around six-to-eight inches long and weigh less than four-pounds, but they can cause plenty of trouble on your property. Think you might have a mole? The…
The holidays are upon us, and that means that around the country millions of people are in the process of setting up their Christmas trees. In South Carolina, almost any garden center will have trees available, and they can add something truly remarkable to anyone’s home. But instead of just picking a tree from the garden center, throwing on few lights, and adding a bit of tinsel, there are many more ways to help your tree look incredible. In fact,…